When the KCBS/KCAL duopoly was ready to relocate and upgrade to HD, CBS NY contracted Teklogic to perform a relocation feasibility study and develop an accurate move budget covering all technical areas and services for both stations (CH-2 and CH-9). Teklogic generated a 300 page detailed report including workflow analysis, equipment recommendations, block diagrams and a breakdown of all cost involved. Teklogic then generated the RFP used by CBS to obtain bids for the project. Teklogic Systems provided the design and implemented the Satellite Farm and in-house digital cable system used at the new facility. The Sat-Farm included fourteen 5-Meter Antennae, five steerable and 9 fixed, with two pads for future expansion. The cable system was tied to the lot head end which includes fiber feeds from TV-City. During the “ET-Insider” project Teklogic added a sixth steerable antenna that is tied to the KCBS/LCAL L-Band router. The steerable antenna is controllable via Ethernet from the ET and Insider Technical Operations Centers.